Write for work write for play
Creative writing coaching to spark and enhance your writing skills for everyday and creative writing with Cathy Farr.

I’ve always wanted to write and if I had my time again I would have been a journalist. As it is, I wrote my first novel in my early forties while I was doing my Open University degree, which included creative writing.
I achieved a 2.1hons and since then I have added five more novels, two non-fiction creative writing guides (one specifically for use in schools) a screen play and a mini-series for TV. I have also written a number of short pieces for BBC Wales, one of which was selected for their Pick of the Week and was recent shortlisted from over 700 entries for a short radio monologue.
The most important lessons I have learned as a writer:
- Sharing your work is the only way you will improve.
- Inspiration can come in a whisper as well as a scream.
Cathy Farr
How can I help you?
Here you can book one-to-one creative writing coaching, join creative writing workshops (currently on Zoom), enter the odd writing competition (and, believe me, some of them will be odd!), and find out how to get personalised advice that really will help you to improve your own creative writing.
‘Ah yes, but I’m not really interested in creative writing.’
OK, you might not ever want to write a book, a short story or even a poem BUT you might want to write a letter of complaint someone takes seriously, apply for a job you could actually get or let your local community in on some local news. All of these work much better if you can write well and that’s why this website is for you too!
And… you can also order my books here too!
And my promise to you…
I will never say that your writing is rubbish (and you shouldn’t either!). I will give you constructive criticism and praise where it is due in equal measure. I will provide pointers on how you can improve, and might show my suggestions with examples. What you do with that information is up to you.
So go on…
Unlock your imagination!